8 tips for adjusting to retirement

How long does it take to adjust to retirement?

As we all know, everyone is unique and has their own lifestyle, routine and priorities, so it’s expected that the time it takes adjusting to retirement will be different for everyone. But what you can do is prepare, accept that things will be different and start to create your new normal, then the transition from working life to retirement will be made easier for you and those around you.

Adjusting to retirement

For some people during their working life, retirement seems like a dream, the thought of being able to do what you want every day without the commitment of work is what many people aspire for their lives to be. But for others, the reality of retirement can be very different and difficult to adjust to, especially after decades of having the same daily or weekly routine. It is expected to be apprehensive about retiring and what life is going to be like. We believe that going into retirement shouldn’t be scary; it should be an exciting experience as you head into the next stage of your life which is why we have compiled our top 8 tips for adjusting to retirement.

1. Embrace change

Throughout life, change is thrown at us all the time when we least expect it, many of those things we can’t control. When that happens, there’s nothing more that we can do than accept the inevitable and embrace the changes that are about to happen. If retirement is a concern, try to get into the mindset of embracing the change, this is the time in life where you get back control of what you want to do on a day-to-day basis. Once you have accepted that things are going to change, then you will be in a better mindset to prepare for retirement instead of neglecting and ignoring retirement which can cause more stress for you and your loved ones in the longer-term – no one likes going into something blindly without any plans!

2. Look after your health

It’s always important to look after your health in order to live a full and happy life, but in retirement, self-care can become increasingly difficult. One of the great things about retirement is having more time for yourself without the distractions of work and other commitments. Now is the perfect opportunity to take time for you! Treat yourself in a way that’s best for your needs whether that’s having a self-care day at home, improving your diet by experimenting with new foods, finding a new exercise routine or spending more time outside, you might even find a new favourite hobby in the process.

3. Stay active

For many people staying active can be a struggle, especially while trying to juggle work and family life. As our age creeps up, you may find your movement becoming more restricted and you may not be able to do everything you use to. Not to worry as there are many things you can do to remain active. Housework or gardening are great ways to keep your body moving while completing daily chores. If mobility is an issue then chair exercises are a great way to stay active, and this can even be done while you watch the tv, read our blog to discover our top 15 chair exercises for seniors. Or, if you prefer, spend time with friends and family by going out for walks and exploring your local area’s natural beauty spots.

Homeowners at Quantock House taking part in a yoga class

4. Work or volunteer in retirement

Just because retirement is looming  doesn’t mean your working life has to completely stop, especially if you enjoy it. Getting a part-time job is a great opportunity to get out of the house, socialise with others, keep your brain active and receive extra income! Or you could volunteer for a charity that is close to your heart – this can help you feel like you’re giving back to the community while doing good, which in return can help improve your wellbeing. By continuing to work or volunteer on part-time basis, you can pass on your knowledge and wisdom to younger generations which you have built up throughout your life.

5. Downsize and save money

One of the main stresses that many people worry about is the financial aspect of retirement. This is why planning for retirement is so important to understand what life is going to be like. Read our top 10 planning tips for retirement for more to help you get started.

If you have been fortunate enough to live your adult life in a family home and the kids have left the nest, maybe it’s time to think about downsizing to a smaller, more manageable home which will help free up assets tied up in your home. Purchasing your next home with shared ownership comes with many benefits as it allows you to spread your assets so it’s not just tied up in your home, gets you more for your money and gives you the financial freedom to do the things you want to do in retirement. You may think shared ownership is only for first-time buyers but at Platinum Skies we offer shared ownership in all our retirement communities, find out more here.

Downsizing can be stressful and involves a lot of planning, we understand this and our friendly team will help you every step of the way.

6. Build and maintain relationships with friends

During your adult life, working can take up the majority of your time and energy, not leaving a lot to spend with family or friends. Now in retirement, you can get some of that valuable time back! It’s the perfect time to rekindle old relationships, build on existing ones and even create new friends and memories.

If loneliness is a worry during retirement, there are lots of things you can do to socialise and make new friends, from volunteering or getting a part-time job to trying new hobbies like joining a book club or walking group, there are many ways to get out and socialise!

Our retirement developments are filled with vibrant communities of like-minded people who take part in regular events organised by our dedicated on-site community managers and homeowners from fish and chip Fridays to regular book club meetings. The best thing is, you can join in as much or as little as you like the choice is yours which allows you to live independently.

Homeowners at Chapters in Salisbury enjoying the jubilee celebrations

7. Create a new routine

With the lack of a daily routine working would normally provide, you may be worried that you won’t be able to fill your days with meaningful things in retirement. Now is the time to create a new routine that works for you. Take some of our tips above and create a new routine with them such as going on daily walks, exercising, volunteering a few hours a week or even staying in the workforce, getting a part-time job or even finding a new hobby! Find out more fun things to do in retirement here. Establishing a routine helps to give retirement living purpose and helps to fill your day rather than waking up and wondering what you are going to do today.

8. Give yourself time

Time is something we all take for granted, but it can be our greatest healer. Just like when we settle into a new school, workplace or the transition from childhood to adulthood, it always takes time to adjust, and retirement is no different. You might not feel comfortable with your new lifestyle straight away but give yourself valuable time to adjust and a create a new routine. Try not to have the expectation that you will magically adjust overnight, but with your network of support from your loved ones and planning in advance, before you know it, you will be loving your new life in retirement and not look back!

How do you mentally adjust to retirement?

In retirement, you leave behind the commute, deadlines, and bosses but that doesn’t mean that your life in retirement will be stress-free 24/7. Life still happens and the feeling of going from a structured working pattern to free days may play a negative role on many people’s mental health. From losing your purpose in society to financial worries, there are always things in our lives that still takes a toll on our well-being which needs to be managed.

One effective way to help you mentally get into the headspace for adjusting to retirement is to talk over your concerns with your loved ones. Keeping things bottled up only does more harm than good, and the more you speak openly about things in your life that you worry about, the more people will be able to help so you can start to live happily in retirement.

If you feel yourself getting overwhelmed set small and achievable goals. Achieving these goals will make you feel like you are making progress and helps you stay on track to help mentally adjust to retirement.

Living at Platinum Skies

When you move into a Platinum Skies retirement community, you will have access to one of our on-site community managers who will help you throughout your time at Platinum Skies, from making sure you’re settling in, to introducing you to your friendly neighbours and they are there to help with any concerns you may have. Book a tour and see what life can be like at Platinum Skies.

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