Dating for over 50s: Best online sites & dating advice

Why is dating so hard in your 50’s?

Looking to start dating again? We have put together some top tips for over-50s dating to help you find your next love!

Dating after 50 might sound a little intimidating, but don’t worry, we’ve put together this helpful guide to help you get started. It doesn’t matter your age when it comes to finding love, and it’s true that you could find your greatest love later in life. Now, more than ever, there are endless ways to connect to a potential love interest. In 2022, there are so many online websites where you can find someone tailored to your exact preferences.

“If you’re at the end of a long relationship, either due to the death of a partner or a divorce, you can quickly enter this digital sphere, and it’s amazing all the people you can meet”- Sharon Lundgren, CEO of Shannon’s Circle (dating website based in San Francisco).

Senior couple on a nature walk holding hands

Advice for dating over 50

Looking for love and don’t know where to start? Then you have come to the right place. There are many reasons why you might feel apprehensive to start dating again, and it doesn’t get less scary as you get older. We can help give you the right tools to get back into dating, head (or swiping) first.

1. Online Dating for over 50s

Our first piece of advice would be to get online (if you aren’t already) and look into some of the best online dating websites orapps that can be downloaded for your entertainment. There are many dating websites that cater to only ‘over-50’s’ which would be a good place to start.

2. Go on holiday (by yourself)!

Being financially independent and having some spare time, you might find yourself in the best position to go on that holiday you have always dreamed of. Booking a solo holiday would be a great opportunity to find a potential love interest, as many travel operators specialize in trips for the over-50, where it would be guaranteed that like-minded individuals of the same age would come together.

3. Take up a hobby

Have you always wanted to try something new? Or perhaps take up a new activity that had been on your mind your whole life? Your fifties are the perfect time to do this… and not only would you be learning new skills but it’s a great way to connect with like-minded people in a relaxed and fun environment. From a dating perspective, to find someone within a similar age bracket, it might be worth picking up a hobby that is age exclusive or enjoyed by others from a similar demographic.

“18% of single people in their 50’s said they were dating…” taken from TODAY’s “This is 50” survey results

Group of seniors on a hike in the countryside

Which is the best dating website for over 50’s?

There are many websites available, which may make it overwhelming to pick out the one that would be the best for you. Most websites should be free, but there are some that would be more beneficial to pay a subscription for, depending on the needs of the individual. Some specialise in over-50s dating, while others tend to attract an older user base.

Here are some popular dating sites:

Once you have found your feet and have looked into the specific website you want to explore, familiarise yourself with the information that you are expected to give. You typically register with your email address and then provide some information about yourself. There are some cases where you may be asked to take an in-depth personality test or put in interest filters so that you can reach the individuals that match your criteria. Once your profile is complete, you will start receiving local matches, with each dating website having it’s own algorithm geared towards helping you meet potential matches. There isn’t the ‘perfect’ dating website out there, as each caters to someone different. But look into a few and find the one you find most comfortable navigating.

Senior woman typing on a laptop

What are the rules for dating after 50?

In the dating scene, there are many things to think about when it comes to finding the perfect partner. There are endless options of what to do when he doesn’t call back, or how to get her attention, or make sure you both are having a good time… but we have listed some of the rules to follow if you want to find love*:


  1. Figure out what you want– there is power in knowing what you want, and how you wish to get it. Feel confident in your decision to start dating and don’t put too much pressure on yourself if it’s a slower start than you had anticipated.
  2. Embrace your age – don’t think you are too old for dating, as it can come across as negative and doesn’t give off the best impression when meeting someone new.
  3. Set boundaries– you might have found some peace in being alone, and it might be a bit uncomfortable to share your time with someone new. Set boundaries and find a common ground between what you’re comfortable with, and what you are willing to explore
  4. Be honest– honesty is the best policy in every situation, even dating. Studies show that people tend to fall in love with those like themselves. Be your most genuine self, and the right person will come and love you for being you.

Senior couple leaning on each other while sitting on stools


  1. Settle– it’s important to note that you shouldn’t settle down straight away, the feeling of love can be overpowering, and it might make your decision-making clouded. If you prioritise simply being in a relationship over the quality of the relationship, you will likely be dissatisfied. A lot of individuals are driven to date by the fear of being alone, and you are more likely to settle and be unhappy.
  2. Don’t repeat negative patterns– we all have patterns that we tend to repeat in our lives, and individuals are likely to repeat patterns that are familiar, examples of this could be putting yourself down or not wanting to put yourself out there when meeting new people. We suggest that you take some time to reflect and identify any negative patterns and how you might change these patterns for the better.
  3. Don’t overshare– Keep conversation light-hearted on the first few dates, understand your boundaries of conversation with the partner you have started seeing. If the conversation naturally flows, you’ll know that there’s an authentic connection instead of the need to fill the silence.

*Take these rules as you want, we aren’t experts and are only here to help give advice if its relevant for your situation. Rules taken from:

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