Buckwheat & Blueberry Pancakes

Research shows that people who eat a healthy breakfast have fewer cravings throughout the day, have better self-control with food choices and sustain higher energy levels, concentration and productivity.  

As part of our Wheel of Wellness, we are looking at the health section.

Chapter’s Bistro Menu Highlight – Breakfast

A study in the Annals of Neurology found that anthocyanins in blueberries can slow brain ageing by up to 2.5 years.

So, you’ve probably heard of ‘antioxidants’ (they protect your body from damaging compounds called free radicals), but what about ‘anthocyanidins’.

Anthocyanidins are the “BIG DEAL” of the antioxidant world. A growing body of scientific research reveals they also play an essential role in protecting tissues, cells and vital organs.

Where can you find anthocyanidins?

Anthocyanidins are found in high concentrations in purple-coloured foods: blueberries, blackcurrants, blackberries, strawberries, pomegranate, black plums, aubergine, red cabbage, cherries and cranberries. Interestingly, it’s the anthocyanidins that give these veggies and fruit their brilliant purple, red, or blue hues.

Harvard researchers measured cognitive function in 16,010 participants (aged 70 years and older) in the Nurses’ Health Study. Based on dietary questionnaires, they concluded that eating more blueberries slowed cognitive decline by up to 2.5 years.

So, pass the blueberries please……

Buckwheat & Blueberry Pancakes

(Makes 4)


300g Buckwheat Flour

4 tsp Baking powder

4 eggs

300ml milk (or vegan milk)

300g blueberries

1 tsp Coconut oil (might need to add more with each batch to avoid sticking)

Maple syrup


  1. Put the flour and baking powder into a large bowl or jug and stir to combine.
  1. Beat in the egg and milk to make a smooth batter.
  2. Stir in the blueberries.
  3. Put a little oil into a frying pan, roll it around to cover the surface and heat until the pan is nice and hot.
  4. Pour the batter into the pan to make three circles and cook on medium heat.
  5. When bubbles appear on the surface and the base is golden turn the pancakes over and cook the other side.
  6. Repeat until all the batter is used.
  7. Serve warm with maple syrup

And finally, enjoy!

Whether it’s a leisurely cup of coffee over the morning paper, a casual barbeque or dining out for a special occasion. Platinum Skies have the perfect menu.

Let us cook for you in a sociable, friendly atmosphere. Our dishes are healthy, nutritionally balanced and we provide options for those with special dietary requirements such vegetarian, vegan and coeliac.

Find out more about Platinum Skies Bistro’s or visit us for a full guided tour by contacting one of our friendly team on 01202 088051 or alternatively email us at [email protected]

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