Coronavirus Update

At Platinum Skies, our first priority is always to keep our homeowners, visitors and team safe. In response to the national health measures surrounding the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, we have been closely following advice from Public Health England (PHE) and the NHS.

The government has amended the coronavirus (COVID-19) regulations to make clear that people who wish to move home can do so. This guidance provides important public health information to ensure that moving home and key activities around this, such as viewing property, can happen safely.

You can view the latest advice here.

Covid-19, more commonly referred to as ‘coronavirus’, can cause more severe symptoms in people with weakened immune systems such as older people.

Our Platinum Skies developments are designed for the over-55s, which means that our homeowners are more vulnerable to the virus. With this in mind, we are following preventative procedures at all of our developments:

  • Every person who comes into, or exits a Platinum Skies development must adhere to our strict health and safety protocol. 
  • All developments have advisory guidance signage outside or adjacent to the entrance doors advising about our social distancing, PPE and sanitisation procedures. 
  • Our homeowners face an increased risk and in order to keep them all as safe as possible we will be restricting access to visitors, except for viewings and essential care (these will be limited to two people).
  • Prior to any sales viewing, a Sales Manager will ask the prospective customer the 4 COVID 19 questions to assess the risk of the visit. 
  • On arrival for a sales viewing. Gloves, mask and access to antibacterial gel will be made available at the reception/foyer. Prospective customers will also be temperature checked and if this is above 38 degrees, the tour viewing will be cancelled and rescheduled for a later date.
  • The Lifestyle Manager will be onsite for support to ensure a safe viewing and will then wipe down surfaces after the visit. 
  • On leaving the development PPE will be removed and left in the bin bags located in the foyer/reception where it will be safely disposed. 
  • To further avoid the risk of infection, any lifestyle events will be socially-distanced in strict accordance with the latest government guidelines. 
  • Our Lifestyle Managers will be isolated on-site and are ensuring that all homeowners are kept up to date with the latest government guidance. They will be providing support and reassurance via email and telephone. This includes connecting with loved ones through video-calls and checking on health of homeowners daily.

We are urging all homeowners to contact their Lifestyle Manager immediately if at any time they feel unwell, had contact with someone who may have the virus or shown symptoms and follow the public health recommendation dialling 111 for further advice.

Additionally, if homeowners or friends/family have questions about how Platinum Skies is protecting homeowners and staff from coronavirus, to please contact their Lifestyle Manager.

Whilst we recognise that these measures can be disruptive, safety is our first priority. They will be in place for as long as appropriate and we will continue to monitor the situation closely and regularly update the website if there are any changes.

We want you to know that our team are on hand to assist where we can. Thank you for your understanding and for supporting our efforts to maintain healthy communities.

Yours sincerely,

Tony Spotswood, CEO of Platinum Skies

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