Finding Forever: Ann Mary and Vic’s Journey to Vista

Ann Mary and Vic, now proud Vista homeowners, embarked on a remarkable journey before finding their forever home with Platinum Skies with a retirement property in Dorset. After moving a staggering 11 times, they knew they wanted to find a place that not only met their practical needs but also provided a strong sense of community and a true feeling of belonging.


The search for a retirement home by the sea

Initially, they relocated from Cheshire to be closer to relatives, before circumstances meant that they could move to the south coast to be close to the sea. Ann Mary and Vic scoured numerous apartments around Poole.

Ann Mary vividly recalls how the other options felt “small and poky,” but the moment they stepped into our Vista community, they were struck by the spaciousness, modernity, breathtaking views, and an inviting warmth. Ann Mary’s words echo her sentiment, saying that as soon as they walked in, she thought “This was going to be right for us, and I promised Vic that we would never move again!”

Community life

The couple, without children of their own, recognised the importance of a thriving community as they aged. They wanted a place that fostered connections, not one that resembled a care home. Ann Mary beams with satisfaction as she shares, “You’re buying into a community, not just a dwelling, and that offered us a huge range of options for the future.”

At Platinum Skies, empowering homeowners with a sense of purpose and involvement is paramount. The Residents Association and Social Focus Group exemplify the dedication to shaping the community and ensuring every voice is heard. Ann Mary fondly recalls their initial visit, saying, “The other homeowners were always just so friendly, so open and welcoming, even though we hadn’t actually bought at the time, and I thought ‘Oh I could fit in here.'”

Vic was pleasantly surprised by the diverse group of like-minded individuals surrounding him. “The advantage of being surrounded by people of similar lifestyles, similar interests, ensures companionship, which is very important,” he shares. It was the freedom to remain completely independent that truly set Platinum Skies apart for him.

Prioritising a healthy and active lifestyle is a cornerstone of our ethos. Encouraging an active lifestyle in later years can significantly reduce the risk of health issues in later life.

Both Vic and Ann Mary have fully embraced the vibrant community, participating in clubs, activities, and events with gusto. Vic reflects, “I’ve become more independent and active, certainly doing more things here than I was doing in our previous home.” Their lives are now surrounded by accessibility, convenience, and a profound sense of fulfilment.

Ann Mary and Vic’s journey to Platinum Skies Vista is a testament to the transformative power of finding a community that supports and empowers its homeowners. Their story serves as an inspiration for anyone seeking a forever home that goes beyond the physical space, offering a true sense of belonging and purpose.

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