Meet our homeowners: Peter from Chapters in Salisbury

Meet Peter one of our homeowners at our Chapters community in Salisbury. Peter tells us about what moving to a new Platinum Skies property, in Salisbury has meant for him and his wife.

Why did you move to Chapters in Salisbury?

“I moved into Chapters on August Bank Holiday of last year. I’m 82 and my wife’s four years younger. The doctors advised us that because of our health conditions as she got older, she would need more help and it would be best to move nearer our son and daughter. So my son actually was told about this, and he recommended Platinum Skies. He’d seen the adverts for the Poole one and we elected to come to Salisbury because it was equidistant between my son and daughter, so they wouldn’t have favouritism issues.”

What is the community like at Chapters?

“It’s very lovely community, they’re very friendly. You’re free to join in as much as you like or live individually if you wish to. But there is help available should you need it. So I like the companionship as it were of people around. There’s always someone to talk to, and some people are quite lonely and appreciate being spoken to and treated as like one of the family.”

Chapters summer BBQ party - Platinum Skies Salisbury

How easy is it to make friends at Platinum Skies?

“Well, it’s very easy to make good friends at Chapters because there’s lots of social opportunities to join in with. There’s bingo, there’s are opportunities like film afternoons on Wednesdays, there get together sessions, and so on. There is the bistro where you can meet people when you want to meal. So it’s all very open to joining in with not only things in Chapters, but also outside events which are advertised on the notice board.”

How does shared ownership benefit you?

“The lowest price that you can have here is 25% of an apartment. So we were able to take advantage of that. Coming from the North. We didn’t have the potential for a large price for the house, even though it’s four bedroom compared to people living in the South. So we were glad that there was a 25% and the rest you pay on rental. So that worked out very well for us. We wouldn’t have been able to live in an apartment if there hadn’t been for that concession.”

What surprised you most about living at Platinum Skies?

“I think it is the warmth of the community that surprised us. Not everybody wants to join in, but there’s enough people who do want to join in to make it a pleasant experience. You’re not isolated if you need help, it’s there and you can use the experience of other community dwellers to gain knowledge. So anything you need to know either the management will tell you or the local people who live here.”

Platinum Skies Bistro at Chapters in Salisbury

What’s the best part of living at Chapters in Salisbury?

“Living here, the best part of it is the community without doubt, and the bistro which provides meals, should you wish them, you can cook in your own apartment or have meals out. Obviously, a balance is what we have. We don’t have all our meals in the bistro and not that we don’t want to, but it’s just nice to join in the community.”

What is the accessibility like at Chapters?

“There are no steps we live on the ground floor anyway, but even it had we opted for a higher apartment. It wouldn’t be a problem because there is a lift in every block and there’s also an entry phone for people who call on you like parcels or guests. If the guests from outside, press the button for your apartment and then you press the green button for the answer phone and lets them in automatically. So that’s a big advantage, you don’t have to go out to the outside door.”

Peter homeowner at Chapters in Salisbury

Would you recommend Platinum Skies to other people?

“I would definitely recommend Platinum Skies to other people. It has all the resources that older people need and the companionship to carry them through the older years instead of living miserably on your own or with a partner, maybe not knowing all your neighbors. You’ve got a wealth of community spirit here, which would always cheer you up if you’re feeling down or you can help somebody else cheer up if they’re feeling down. So I would definitely recommend it, and the staff are very friendly and helpful.”

Come and experience Chapters in Salisbury for yourself

Prices at Chapters in Salisbury start from £135,000 for an apartment, based on the buyer paying 50% of the property’s full market value.

Make an appointment to come and view an apartment or house at Chapters, call the team on 0808 253 0177.

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