Meet our homeowners: Peter & Maureen from Salisbury

Meet Peter & Maureen who are two of our homeowners at Chapters in Salisbury. Together they tells us about what moving to Platinum Skies has meant for them, having relocated over 200 miles from Lincolnshire. 

Why did you move to Platinum Skies in Salisbury?

The reason that we moved to Salisbury and Chapters is to be closer to our family in our old age. Prior to moving here, we lived in Lincolnshire, right on the edge of the wash out in the wilds. It was a 200-mile distance to get to see our family and as I’m approaching old age, it was felt that I wouldn’t be up for driving the 200-miles forever.

Did you find that the home you were living in became more than you needed?

This is our second retirement home as we’d already moved into a retirement home in Lincolnshire. However, we had underestimated the distance between ourselves and our family, and that was the main reason that we decided to leave Lincolnshire after living there for the whole of our lives.

How did you hear about Platinum Skies?

We heard about Platinum Skies through our daughter who has been extremely helpful in getting us moved closer to her and our son who is in Gloucestershire. She did quite a bit of research for us. She lives right in the centre of Spalding and she lives very close to a McCarthy and Stone development. It was that that first that we decided to have a think and a look at. Then for some reason she managed to discover that there was a new development at Chapters, and so we switched horses and decided to pursue the possibility of living here. We’re now extremely pleased that we made that decision to come here. We’d be much happier in a house than we would in an apartment.

What did you think of Platinum Skies in Salisbury when you first came to visit?

We were quite impressed with what we saw initially with the apartment blocks and we went to look at one of the show apartments. We were very interested in the plans for the houses which were due to be built and there was a very good model where we were able to see the whole set up and it was really from looking at that model that we were really trying to select a plot that we would be happy with. We have been right on the ground floor with this development and we had options on this end cottage and the other end cottage right from the very start, before it even started to be built.

Peter & Maureen live in a House at Platinum Skiesin Salisbury

What do you think of the house?

We are very happy with it. Fortunately we were able to have a certain amount of say on what went on in the house and how it was to be figured, which was very helpful. It has been very helpful to us, so we have got quite a lot of what we would’ve wanted anyway had we looked elsewhere. We are very fortunate in that respect and very grateful to have had the opportunity to choose quite a large part of the set-up of this house.

How is the community?

We haven’t had much opportunity to meet the community yet at all. We arrived here on 22nd December and weve been in lockdown ever since then so we haven’t been able to take part in any of social functions.

How were the sales team?

They were extremely helpful. I am guilty of giving them quite a lot of headaches but we got on very well. They were extremely helpful and we are very grateful to them for granting us quite a lot of leeway.

Were you children involved in the conversations with Platinum Skies at all?

Our daughter has been very involved. She is a retired lawyer and she was able to help us considerably with all of the legal side of buying this house, so we have been very fortunate in that respect.

Peter & Maureen in their new Platinum Skies home

Had you heard about OPSO (Older Person’s Shared Ownership) before moving to Chapters?

No, we hadn’t. it was a completely new concept to us. It’s obviously helped. As far as we are concerned, it’s not the be all and end all. We could’ve managed reasonably well without it, but we are part of it now and it seems to be working out alright. It has its advantages. There’s no doubt about that. It’s an asset and we’re pleased to be part of it. We’re very happy with it.

Would you recommend Platinum Skies in Salisbury to your friends?

Definitely. Our family that have been able to visit have been very impressed with it. They are very happy for us. I would be very happy to recommend it. As country dwellers, we are very impressed with Salisbury as a city. We’re very happy to be living in Salisbury. It has been quite advantage to us to live in a very nice city with nice countryside.

Is there anything that surprised you about Chapters?

It was a small cottage that we lived in before. The independence part is very important to us. We’re full of praise for the staff at Platinum Skies who have looked after us very well, both the staff onsite in Chapters and in the head office in Bournemouth. We’re very lucky.

It has taken us quite a long while to get used to because this is something that is totally different for us. We have spent our whole lives living in the countryside and it was a bit of a culture shock initially. We’re now very happy. We’re very pleased that we re-located and looking forward to spending the rest of our time here.

How important was it that you could bring your dog?

We had a terrier as well but unfortunately we lost the terrier through old age just before we arrived. We were very fortunate that we were able to bring our dog with us. Had that not been permitted, it would’ve put the whole thing in serious doubt. We’re happy to have the dog here.

Come and experience Platinum Skies in Salisbury yourself

Prices at Chapters start from £252,500 for a cottage or house, based on the buyer paying 50% of the property’s full market value.

To reserve an appointment at the Chapters open week, call the team on 01202 040996.

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