Meet our homeowners: Tony & Charmyne from Esprit in Poole Town Centre

Tony & Charmyne have recently moved to Esprit in  Poole Town Centre. They purchased their one-bedroom apartment through the Platinum Skies shared ownership scheme and love how convenient Esprit is for Poole Town Centre & Charmyne’s place of work.


How did you hear about Platinum Skies?

“We first heard about Platinum Skies as we were driving around the town centre of Poole and saw the prominent adverts on the side of the building. We saw the phone number so we rang up, spoke to the sales person and took it from there.

“We were impressed particularly with the views, the apartments with the balconies, how modern and clean the apartments were, the residents’ lounge and the bistro.”

Why was now the time to move?

“Well, we were living in a caravan so that was quite temporary. We had to house-sit or go on holiday when we weren’t allowed to stay in the caravan so coming here gives us an air of permanence. It’s bang in the town centre. My wife works locally at Specsavers so it’s really convenient for us. I think it’s ideal for retirement, as a retirement property for those who are retired who don’t have to drive. You don’t have to drive anywhere.”

What surprised you about Esprit?

“The phrase ‘Retirement apartment’ conjures up an image and inevitably you think ‘warden assisted’, ‘care home’ or words to that effect so when you come round and see how open it is, with this resident’s lounge and other facilities… Your apartment is self-contained so you’re completely independent so it’s not like a care home at all.”

Tony & Charmyne homeowners at Platinum Skies in Poole town centre

What is the best thing about living with Platinum Skies in Poole Town Centre?

“The thing that attracted us to Platinum Skies in the first instance were the facilities that were on offer, the apartments were so modern and fully equipped. It was that first walk round. It was that first visit to the apartments that opened our eyes and we saw what living in the town centre could be like. Esprit appealed to us particularly because when you’re heading to old age, to be polite, you have to think, or at least I think, the DVLA are going to take away my driving licence at some point, so here we are in the town centre where you don’t need to drive as everything is on your doorstep.”

Had you heard of OPSO (Older Person’s Shared Ownership) before?

“When we came across the terminology of the Older Person’s Shared Ownership scheme and it was explained to us that we old had to put a deposit down and then pay rent on the remainder, we were absolutely astounded. We didn’t have much cash spare so it suited our situation ideally. It means that when we add up all of our domestic bills on a monthly basis, it means that we can have a little bit more disposable income to spare each month. My wife works but I don’t so I have to rely on my pensions and it’s not that easy these days.”

What will you spend the money on that you have saved by purchasing through the shared ownership scheme?

“Well we do like to go on holidays and we like to go on sailing holidays, various flotilla sailing holidays, so that’s what the money will be spent on. We will be going in October this year when the pandemic has quietened down a bit.”

Tony & Charmyne at Platinum Skies Esprit apartments in Poole

What’s the community like at Esprit in Poole?

“As we are coming out of Covid now and we start to socialise down here in the resident’s lounge, we can get more and more involved with the other residents at Platinum Skies. As chairman of the Royal Marines Association, I’m quite used to organising functions for people shall we say of ‘our vintage’ so if I can get the residents here involved in the charity and likewise members of our charity involved with the residents here then I think it’s all to the good.

Charmyne: “We’d like for everybody that lives upstairs doesn’t really go out much as there are a lot of elderly people to come down so we can do bingo, card games and have a social evening, even if it’s just once a week. Plus wine tasting and quizzes. That’s what I’m looking forward to.”

Would you recommend Platinum Skies to your friends?

“Yes, we would recommend Platinum Skies to our friends and for anybody over the age of 55 this is an ideal location.”

Come and experience Esprit in Poole Town Centre for yourself

Prices at Esprit start from £105,000 for an apartment, based on the buyer paying 50% of the property’s full market value. The homes at Esprit are made affordable as part of a government-backed shared ownership scheme delivered in partnership with Homes England. Commonly known as part-buy, part-rent, shared-ownership homes enable people to move and potentially downsize from their existing home which may no longer be suitable for their needs while freeing up money from the sale of the property to use on other life events.

To reserve an appointment to view a property at Esprit, call the team on 0808 253 0177.

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