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Looking for a good book? Here’s what to read next

These are the nominations for the top prize at the British Book Awards. If you’ve suddenly found yourself with a bit more time on your hands, now’s perfect for sinking your teeth into a new book. There’s so much choice it’s often hard to know where to begin, which is why prizes like The British Book…

British Museum: Doors are closed but more people are visiting online

The most online visitors are now from Italy, it said. The British Museum said it has seen a surge in online visitors after closing its doors. There has been a spike in interest in the museum’s online content and virtual tours, it said, since it shut because of the coronavirus pandemic. The number of visitors…

Three fitness challenges to try at home

Self-isolation and social distancing can mean it’s easy to stop working out entirely, but your body and mind will hugely benefit from exercise. If you’re stuck inside, either due to self-isolation or working from home because of coronavirus, maintaining your active retirement lifestyle can be tricky. However, exercise might just be more important than ever.…

Nationwide Building Society opens branches early for elderly and vulnerable

The society is trialling new branch opening times during the coronavirus outbreak to help the elderly and vulnerable people manage their money. Britain’s biggest building society is trialling new branch opening times during the coronavirus outbreak, to help the elderly and vulnerable manage their money with a dedicated hour each morning. From March 18, more…

Six reasons to take vitamin C

As a study examines whether vitamin C might help beat coronavirus, here’s how it can help improve your health. Many of us will reach for the vitamin C if we’ve caught a cold, or want to avoid getting one. But now scientists are looking at whether it could help beat coronavirus too. Chinese researchers are…

Ten Mother’s Day gifts for home comfort queens

A gift she can enjoy at home is bound to be a hit. Mother’s Day is the perfect occasion to make your mum feel special with a thoughtful gift – but while chocolates and flowers are a fail-safe traditional choice, how about surprising her with a home treat? From accessories to make her rooms sparkle…

Three breathing exercises to reduce stress, anxiety and a racing mind

Breathing apps have soared in popularity – here’s how to give it a go without your phone. It’s often said the most powerful tools for taking care of our wellbeing are the ones that already exist within us – and breathing is prime example. Breathing techniques feature in countless therapeutic forms and practices, from yoga,…

The simple benefits of batch cooking

At Platinum Skies, our residents can enjoy first-class cuisine and beverages with friends and family in the bistro. Our dishes are healthy, nutritionally balanced and we provide options for those with special dietary requirements such vegetarian, vegan and coeliac. If you are at home and find yourself constantly reaching for the treats and sweets you…

RECIPE: Banana Bread

The idea that most people will be affected by mental health issues at least once in their life has never seemed more prevalent. While it’s a conversation that still feels relatively new, awareness of mental ill health is growing, and in turn the condition is becoming less stigmatised.  It’s a topic heavily debated on social…

Five things to cut out of your diet if you want a better night’s sleep

Can’t remember the last time you slept through the night? The solution could lie in what you consume. Nothing beats waking up from a good night’s sleep yet, for many of us, the idea of that happening seems like a dream. Sleep deprivation can affect your memory, productivity and overall happiness, so it is essential…

15 of the world’s best nature photos

Studies suggest spending just 20 minutes in the in the garden can boost your wellbeing and even visualising nature-themed images can trigger specific responses in the brain. Now a new competition from photography app Agora has scoured the globe for the very finest photos of the natural world, as part of its #Nature2020 competition, and…