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Veganuary quiz: Is this food vegan or not?

Working out what’s plant-based and what’s not can be trickier than you might have anticipated. This January, many of us are tackling the challenge of Veganuary – going vegan for the month. This is no mean feat, particularly off the back of an indulgent Christmas full of pigs in blankets and dousing your desserts in…

10 things that always happen without fail on Boxing Day

Today you only have one job – chill out. Boxing Day is one of those days where millions of people up and down the country do a lot of the same things but mainly nothing at all. Aside from watching Love Actually (because that’s a given), here are a few things you’ll probably relate to today… 1.…

Remembering a loved one in your Christmas celebrations

December 25th can be the toughest day of the year for anyone grieving. It doesn’t matter if you’ve lost a loved one last week, last year or 11 years ago. Come Christmas, there’s a big aching hole at the table, in the room and in your heart. Because there are so many family traditions woven…

Quiz: Are these Christmas traditions from around the world real or fake?

How well you know your festive customs? It’s the festive season, which means one thing – a whole lot of Christmas traditions to get stuck into. Whilst the British classic customs of drinking mulled wine and devouring mince pies are all very well and good, how about the weirder ones from further afield? There are…

Being socially active lowers dementia risk, study suggests

The University College London study tracked more than 10,000 participants’ levels of social contact over decades. Being socially active in your fifties and sixties lowers your risk of developing dementia in later life, according to new research. Academics at University College London (UCL) found that someone who saw friends almost daily at the age of…

5 Tips on how to care for your natural grey hair

Hairstylist Daniel Lynes offers his advice for keeping your silver looking super. Stroll down the hair aisle at any chemist and you’ll see box after box of dye stamped with the words ‘100% grey coverage’. For years, covering up even the slightest hint of silver has been the norm for millions of us, but now…

Is oversleeping during the Christmas time bad for your health?

We all know Christmas is a time to slump on the sofa in front of classic festive films, argue with family over the TV schedule and drift sweetly into a mince pie coma. More importantly though, it’s also a chance to enjoy a much-needed break and catch up on all the sleep we’ve missed after…

Sir Paul McCartney reveals he has a ‘secret’ Christmas album for his family

The former Beatle said he will never release the songs. Sir Paul McCartney has revealed he recorded a “secret” Christmas album that only his family has ever listened to. The former Beatle said the record “gets brought out each year” during the McCartneys’ festive celebrations. Speaking on BBC Radio 4’s World At One, he said:…

Quiz: Can you fill in the lyrics for these Christmas songs?

Chances are they will be stuck in your head for the rest of the day… Love them or hate them, there’s no escaping Christmas jingles at this time of year. Whether you like it or not, you’ll often find yourself tapping your toes and singing along to the festive tunes being played on repeat in…