Platinum Skies top tips for preparing for winter if you are over 55

Here at Platinum Skies the seasons are changing and we thought we’d put together a post on how to prepare for the winter ahead. Have a look below at our top tips:

Remember your extremities

It’s easy to forget that keeping your extremities covered and warm to protect them against exposure can do a great deal to keep your whole body warm in the winter months. Now is the time to invest in a hat, gloves and scarf. Our top tip is to make sure that you put these on before you leave the house. This way the items are warmed up before you leave your home, your extremities are protected and you are more likely to maintain a good body temperature.

Even when you’re inside it’s important that you make sure you are wearing enough clothing. Wearing multiple layers of clothing made of natural fibres will keep the heat in. Fleece can be equally good and just as with outside, invest in some decent footwear. Slippers which have good grip and non-slip soles will keep you toasty when you’re inside.

Eat well

If you aren’t getting out as much because of the adverse weather, sometimes this will lessen your appetite when it comes to mealtimes. It’s worth remembering that just like a good fire needs fuel to keep it going, so does your body. Prioritising a balanced, healthy diet with regular food in reasonably sized portions is essential to making sure that your body can keep itself warm and stave off illnesses. Having hot meals, and even having a regular hot drink, can do much to keep you warm and healthy.

Keep your heating on

The NHS specifies that if you are 65 or over you should heat your home to at least 18°C. This is also the case if you have a heart or lung condition. Another good tip is to have a hot water bottle handy at night to keep you warm in bed!

If you are concerned about the expenses of your fuel bills during winter, then you may wish to look at whether you are eligible for a Winter Fuel Payment or a Cold Weather Payment. The Winter Fuel Payment can give you up to £300 tax-free to help with heating bills if you were born before January, 5th 1953. The Cold Weather Payment is available to you if you receive certain benefits, you can find out more here.

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