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10 things you should know about the flu virus

Health experts explain why now is the time to get vaccinated – and how to avoid catching flu. The flu season is just around the corner, and with cases of the virus already starting to appear, now is the best time to get yourself protected. Flu is a nasty and potentially dangerous infection, and its…

Six ways to treat menopause symptoms – without taking HRT

If you don’t want to or can’t take HRT for some reason, there are other ways to help ease unwanted menopause side-effects. Lots of women experience symptoms due to menopause, many of which can be very unpleasant. Caused by fluctuating and lower levels of oestrogen as the ovaries stop producing eggs, these can include hot…

Tips on how to improve your eye health in the winter

Don’t take your eyes for granted. Protect your vision with this simple advice. Good eyesight is a key part of being healthy, and helps you perform well, whether that’s at work, school or behind the wheel. Unfortunately, many of us tend to put our eye health last on the list of priorities, as our eyes…

Five ways to avoid getting struck by norovirus this winter

Nothing can completely keep the bug at bay but every little helps. A nutrition expert tells us how to build your defences from the inside out. If there’s one thing you really don’t want at the beginning of the year, it’s a bout of norovirus. Commonly known as the ‘winter vomiting bug’, this dreaded virus…

Things to consider when downsizing in retirement

Downsizing is certainly a goal for many older adults who are looking to de-clutter to enjoy a more active and maintenance-free lifestyle. Of course, you’ll find both advantages and disadvantages of downsizing home. When it comes to the size of your home, sometimes less is more. We advise carefully considering all points relevant to you…

5 Tips on how to care for your natural grey hair

Hairstylist Daniel Lynes offers his advice for keeping your silver looking super. Stroll down the hair aisle at any chemist and you’ll see box after box of dye stamped with the words ‘100% grey coverage’. For years, covering up even the slightest hint of silver has been the norm for millions of us, but now…

How to know when your cold is something more serious

That pesky cold may actually be masquerading as bronchitis, the flu, or even laryngitis. If you’ve been tuning into Good Morning Britain this week, you might have noticed that Piers Morgan has been feeling pretty under the weather. Proving that celebrities don’t get a fast-track past winter ailments, the presenter has revealed that what he…

World Menopause Day: 7 tips to help women through the change

A menopause nurse gives advice on how to thrive despite the hot flushes and mood swings. The menopause is a natural process that every woman goes through in her late forties or early fifties, or sometimes earlier. But just because it happens to every woman it doesn’t mean it’s any easier to deal with, or…