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Six of the healthiest foods in the world

Get to know these health-promoting powerhouses. Learning to cook and prepare healthy foods doesn’t just taste great, it’s also the key to warding off disease, staying trim and keeping your heart healthy. At Platinum Skies, we make nutritional care one of our priorities. That being said, not all healthy foods are made equal, and while…

How much exercise should you be doing over the age of 50?

As you get older, there are new things to think about when it comes to exercising. Here’s what you need to know. As we age, increasingly, barriers can stand in the way of us being able to run, jump, skip or dance like we used to, but the benefits of staying active in older age…

Six ways to treat menopause symptoms – without taking HRT

If you don’t want to or can’t take HRT for some reason, there are other ways to help ease unwanted menopause side-effects. Lots of women experience symptoms due to menopause, many of which can be very unpleasant. Caused by fluctuating and lower levels of oestrogen as the ovaries stop producing eggs, these can include hot…

Tips on how to improve your eye health in the winter

Don’t take your eyes for granted. Protect your vision with this simple advice. Good eyesight is a key part of being healthy, and helps you perform well, whether that’s at work, school or behind the wheel. Unfortunately, many of us tend to put our eye health last on the list of priorities, as our eyes…