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Ten ways to start your day right in lockdown

How you spend your morning is key. With much of the world in lockdown, mornings have changed for most people, and it can be hard to shift to a new routine. But starting the day positively can result in higher productivity and a general sense of wellbeing – something we probably all need right now.…

Three breathing exercises to reduce stress, anxiety and a racing mind

Breathing apps have soared in popularity – here’s how to give it a go without your phone. It’s often said the most powerful tools for taking care of our wellbeing are the ones that already exist within us – and breathing is prime example. Breathing techniques feature in countless therapeutic forms and practices, from yoga,…

Joanna Trollope at 76: ‘I don’t worry about getting older – so far’

Bestselling author Joanna Trollope talks to Hannah Stephenson about keeping young, being happier than ever, and staying away from social media. Bestselling novelist Joanna Trollope has a knack for having her finger on the pulse of pressing social dilemmas. “All my novels are reflections of what I think is a great universal preoccupation at the…

Healthy and Mindful Snacking

By Barbara Cox, Head of Wellbeing Eating healthy and mindfully isn’t about resistance or restriction. It’s about enjoying the food you’re eating. We all eat unhealthily and mindlessly at times, whether we’re on the go at a service station, out having coffee with friends, in a hurry, watching TV or finishing all the food on…

A recipe for retirement success We recently offered our guests the chance to sit back and relax with a free cookery demonstration and tasting event. Taking place at Esprit on High Street North in Poole and Chapters in Salisbury. Visitors and residents enjoyed first-class cuisine and beverages at the bistro restaurants. Visitors also get the chance to meet the…