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Three breathing exercises to reduce stress, anxiety and a racing mind

Breathing apps have soared in popularity – here’s how to give it a go without your phone. It’s often said the most powerful tools for taking care of our wellbeing are the ones that already exist within us – and breathing is prime example. Breathing techniques feature in countless therapeutic forms and practices, from yoga,…

The simple benefits of batch cooking

At Platinum Skies, our residents can enjoy first-class cuisine and beverages with friends and family in the bistro. Our dishes are healthy, nutritionally balanced and we provide options for those with special dietary requirements such vegetarian, vegan and coeliac. If you are at home and find yourself constantly reaching for the treats and sweets you…

RECIPE: Banana Bread

The idea that most people will be affected by mental health issues at least once in their life has never seemed more prevalent. While it’s a conversation that still feels relatively new, awareness of mental ill health is growing, and in turn the condition is becoming less stigmatised.  It’s a topic heavily debated on social…

Five things to cut out of your diet if you want a better night’s sleep

Can’t remember the last time you slept through the night? The solution could lie in what you consume. Nothing beats waking up from a good night’s sleep yet, for many of us, the idea of that happening seems like a dream. Sleep deprivation can affect your memory, productivity and overall happiness, so it is essential…

15 of the world’s best nature photos

Studies suggest spending just 20 minutes in the in the garden can boost your wellbeing and even visualising nature-themed images can trigger specific responses in the brain. Now a new competition from photography app Agora has scoured the globe for the very finest photos of the natural world, as part of its #Nature2020 competition, and…

Joanna Trollope at 76: ‘I don’t worry about getting older – so far’

Bestselling author Joanna Trollope talks to Hannah Stephenson about keeping young, being happier than ever, and staying away from social media. Bestselling novelist Joanna Trollope has a knack for having her finger on the pulse of pressing social dilemmas. “All my novels are reflections of what I think is a great universal preoccupation at the…

Support and reassurance with Platinum Skies

It feels good to know that even when you are enjoying a quiet moment in the privacy of your own home you can call on someone for support if you need to. At Platinum Skies, you will always have the best of both worlds and maintain your own independent lifestyle. When you move into a new…

Six of the healthiest foods in the world

Get to know these health-promoting powerhouses. Learning to cook and prepare healthy foods doesn’t just taste great, it’s also the key to warding off disease, staying trim and keeping your heart healthy. At Platinum Skies, we make nutritional care one of our priorities. That being said, not all healthy foods are made equal, and while…

Healthy and Mindful Snacking

By Barbara Cox, Head of Wellbeing Eating healthy and mindfully isn’t about resistance or restriction. It’s about enjoying the food you’re eating. We all eat unhealthily and mindlessly at times, whether we’re on the go at a service station, out having coffee with friends, in a hurry, watching TV or finishing all the food on…

Five ways to help future-proof your joints

Joint wear and tear affects millions of us – but there’s still lots we can do to help keep them healthy now, and in the longer term. Many of us will experience some degree of joint degeneration or osteoarthritis as we get older, and Valentina Roffi, a clinical specialist physiotherapist at, says musculoskeletal problems…

Five minutes with Amanda Barrie: Love, work and ageing well

Corrie’s Alma Barlow – actor Amanda Barrie – reveals how being in her Eighties isn’t stopping her living life to the full. Former Coronation Street and Bad Girls star Amanda Barrie may be 81, but she’s having the time of her life. She’s recently appeared on The Baby Boomers’ Guide To Growing Old, BBC’s fly-on-the-wall…

How to make celebratory cappelletti in brodo with the Pasta Grannies

Nonnas know what they’re doing. Even bona fide Italians rely on dried pasta. Reaching for hard twirls of fusilli and twiggy strands of spaghetti is not exactly frowned upon – we’re all busy, we all want pasta, and you really can’t argue with the packet stuff in those circumstances. But there are those who will…