Ten areas of your life for true health, wealth and happiness

In order to have lasting changes and balance in life, we must look at a holistic way of living that reflects our body, mind, spirit, people, place and planet.  Research is showing us how our health and happiness can be boosted by doing certain things on a day-to-day basis.


The Wheel of Wellness is designed to structure your focus on certain areas of your life so you can make simple improvements that have a lasting effect.

Having a romantic partner gives a person a sense of reassurance, self-esteem, and love for themselves.

enhances the lives of both partners in the relationship. When people are in
love, their emotions are at an ultimate high. Romantic relationships enrich
life with friendship, courtship and love. 

Whether you’re in a romantic relationship or not, now is a good time to honour the concept of love by using your emotions as a springboard to create and nurture abundant love in your life.

Here are 7 ways to express your love:


  1. Offer
    the gift of listening. 

on others and hear what they’re really saying. Remember the 80/20 rule: Listen
more, talk less. This allows others to share, and also gives you a chance to
understand their feelings. We also use the 80/20 rule in our health section
with food. 80% really healthy!


  • Say
    please and thank you. 

is a simple act you can practice every day, but many of us often forget to do
so. It can make a huge difference in our lives.


  • Tell
    your loved ones how much you love and appreciate them.

little love goes a long way. Many of us are guilty of taking people for
granted, so it’s good to acknowledge those who’ve impacted our lives and those
we could not live without.


  • Offer
    to help someone in need.

always someone who needs something. Often helping others is a way to make you
feel good, too. The person you help could be a close friend, neighbour or
challenged individual.


  • Write
    a letter or send a card to someone you love and mail it. 

be surprised by how much people appreciate this gesture. So many of us have
gotten into the habit of exclusively sending e-mail, so it’s especially nice to
receive a note in the mail.


  • Write
    your loved ones a poem of gratitude.

some people, writing a poem is easier than for others. You can start by making
a list of the reasons you love these individuals. You can also reminiscence
about how you met them and what you hope your future together will look like.
Also, consider reading love poems by Sufi poet Rumi, Leonard Cohen, or others.


  • Practice
    the art of forgiveness.

We often have little spats with loved ones, but as they say, “Pick your fights.” Try to release anger and frustration so that you can adopt a more positive attitude.

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