Tips for keeping healthy and happy in Autumn & Winter

As the nights are drawing in and it’s time to think about keeping warm, preparing for Christmas and what you’ll do in these shorter days. It’s important we keep active in the autumn and winter months when it’s easy to stay indoors and skip seeing people. Here are some top tips for keeping healthy and happy during the autumn and winter seasons:

1. Get outside

One of the reasons lots of us feel tired during the winter months is because we aren’t getting enough fresh air and sunlight.  Although we are not blessed with the sun every day make sure to head outside when you can. Cover up with a hat and gloves and grab a hot drink to enjoy on a short walk.

Living somewhere like Monterey where you might not have your own garden to worry about but you can enjoy use of the beautiful outside spaces is ideal.

2. Eat plenty of fruit and veg

Rather than eating lots of comfort food make sure you get yourself into the habit of a balanced diet. It’s important to ensure you have your five portions of fruit and veg a day and this can help you feel energised and healthy during the winter months. One of the best ways to get some vegetables in your system is to enjoy a hearty winter soup which can be easily made with butternut squash, leeks, potatoes or even carrots!

3. Breakfast is a big deal

Breakfast is a big deal so it should be a big meal! It’s common, especially in the winter, to enjoy a large dinner. Having a hearty breakfast will fuel you throughout the day, helping you fight off of any viruses and giving you the energy to go out and meet with friends. The classic winter breakfast; porridge, is ideal for winter. It’s a warm start to the day and you can add fruit and toppings so it continues to be interesting and tasty!

4. Be prepared!

The MET Office is the best way to keep on top of the weather forecast. Whether you like to keep up-to-date online, on the radio or on TV it can help you prepare for the different weather.  One of the great benefits of being a Platinum Skies resident is that you’re part of a community and we all look out for one another, especially during the colder months, our Lifestyle Managers can make sure you know if it isn’t a day to pop out but at the same time they can make sure you have everything you need.

5. Routines are beneficial

Going to bed and waking up at the same time will ward of weariness and help you to fight against any illnesses over the winter months. There’s a lot to be said for getting enough undisturbed sleep but remember, just because it’s darker outside doesn’t mean you necessarily need more sleep! The NHS recommend a good eight hours of sleep making sure you stick to routine. Keeping your bedroom an uncluttered and not too warm is a good tip for a well-rested night’s sleep!

It’s important to look after yourself in the autumn and winter months especially if you want to enjoy a fun and fulfilling retirement. We are experts on retirement living here at Platinum Skies.

If you would like to find out more about our properties on sales now why not call us on 01202 088051 or email [email protected]

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