What to do with your leftover Halloween pumpkin

Don’t let it just moulder away after the trick or treating is over – eat it.

Tens of thousands of pumpkins are sold at Halloween each year but this causes a frightening amount of waste, as the carved veggies are left to rot on front steps.

It’s a shame considering pumpkins are packed full of vital vitamins and veggie goodness, so here’s how to put your Jack-o’-lantern to good, edible use…

Stuffed pumpkin


Not only will these taste good, they’ll look good too. Perfect for a creepy centre piece for a party as you can stuff them with just about anything, from creme brulee to savoury meats and even mac and cheese! Just cut the top off and scoop out the seeds and away you go.


Pumpkin soup

Soup is an absolute autumn go-to, and pumpkin soup is a doddle to make. Slice yours into small chunks and roast in a hot oven with a few spices, before whizzing up with fried onions, carrots and stock. Just add thickly buttered bread.


Pumpkin cake

If you’re a fan of carrot cake, you’ll love pumpkin cake – and it’s a direct swap, just exchange the grated carrot in your fave carrot cake for pumpkin. Ice with cream cheese frosting, pepped up with a few nuts and orange zest.


Pumpkin wedges

Trade in potatoes for this healthy, alternative snack. Simply cut your pumpkin into wedges, drizzle with olive oil and season with garlic, chilli, salt and pepper and roast for 30 minutes, or until soft. They go particularly well with mayonnaise.


Pumpkin pancakes

Is there anything better than starting your day off with a stack of fluffy pancakes? Go pumpkin crazy with this healthy, wholesome pumpkin pancake recipe. Mix together your ultimate pancake recipe and stir through pumpkin puree (you can buy it in a can) before frying as normal.


Pumpkin pie


This American classic is a family favourite and packed full of flavour. Sweet pastry, smooth pumpkin puree and whipped cream? Delicious.

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