Activities to take up during autumn

The colder months definitely bring on a desire for hibernation. Everyone loves to turn the heating up, put on some warm woollies and snuggle under a blanket with a cuppa. At this time of year it’s tempting to resort to watching TV as your main activity. Although we love TV, and keeping up with your favourite programmes is a great way to relax and enjoy the afternoons and evenings, there are lots of things you can get up to in the winter. Why not prepare yourself for the dark and cold months by picking some of these activities to keep yourself stimulated and keep having fun even when it’s cold?

Whittling and Knitting

Knitting is a time-honoured tradition when it comes to things to do inside in the colder months. It keeps your hands active, you can make gifts for loved ones, or you can donate your works to charity. But, what does that leave for those who don’t like the idea of knitting? Well, then there’s whittling.

Whittling is an activity which requires patience and concentration. It’s something which you will get better at over time and again it’s something which you can use to create gifts for others. The website Instructables has a good whittling 101 guide.


You don’t have to choose between TV and this hobby. Puzzles are a lovely way to spend a cold evening warm inside. With a cup of tea, glass of wine or a warming whisky nightcap, you can pour over scenes of nature, history or popular culture when it comes to puzzles. They keep you doing something and using your mind even while you may have your favourite programme playing in the background. Why not invite a friend round for an evening, pop on a film and tackle the mammoth puzzle together?

Jigsaw Puzzles Direct has a huge amount of Jigsaw puzzles to choose from.

Game nights

This is a wonderfully social activity. As the night’s draw in, it’s colder outside and you’re less inclined to see people, why not make the effort with a fun games night? Inviting a few friends over, perhaps asking them to bring drinks while you provide the nibbles, can be great fun. There are some super board games out there, from brain teasers like Trivial Pursuit, which has been going for 37 years, to loud chatty games such as Articulate, to thinkers like Cluedo. Or if you want to go for the down right hilarious why not pull out Balderdash? You can pick up games like these in local charity shops or online and have them delivered very easily.

TV socials

There’s always something good on the telly during the lead up to Christmas so why not share it with friends? The Telegraph have done a good round-up article highlighting the best TV shows to look out for this autumn. Top period dramas to look out for include BBC’s Poldark which is back on Sunday night’s for a second season and ITV’s Victoria also on Sunday nights, following the beginning of Queen Victoria’s reign.

If you are like some of us and want a bit of humour on the dark winter night’s then Cold Feet has made a comeback after a 13 year hiatus and can be found on ITV Catch Up, The Grand Tour which reunites Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May for car-focused japes around the world is shown on Amazon Prime, and then there’s Damned written by Jo Brand and set in the stressed world of social work, showing on Channel 4.

There are lots of little things you can do to make this winter fun and sociable. For more information on us here at Platinum Skies and the retirement opportunities we can offer you, contact us online or call us on: 01202 471461.

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