Downsizing – At a Price that’s Right for You

Having a brand new, beautifully appointed property that is easy and inexpensive to run, in a location where people really aspire to live, with all the money worries put right behind you, forever, is an enormous boost to a person’s quality of life and of course, their health.

However, many retirees have calculated after purchasing a new home, paid the stamp duty, covered the fees for selling the old family home, and buying the new one, there is little left to enhance a new retirement lifestyle.

Revolutionary solution

You don’t need to worry though, because we have pioneered a breakthrough solution, whereby as a retiree you can ‘right-size’ to a new luxury home of your choosing and still have generous funds to support a new exciting lifestyle, and indeed, even spoil the grandchildren.

Part-buy, part-rent

Under the scheme, you will own a percentage of the property and pay a subsidised rent on the remainder. When the property is sold, you’ll receive the full market value for your share. Buying in this way does not affect your pension or financial status, nor does it remove you from the property ladder – you will still benefit from any price rises on the share you own. It also means you’ll only pay stamp duty on the share purchased. Considerably reducing the costs of moving.

Where Platinum Skies come in…

Meanwhile, we act as landlord, property manager and service provider for life. As a registered social landlord, we are government-backed, so charges are clear and guaranteed to remain within official limits. There are no hidden fees, and running costs and service charges are low.

So why not consider a new way to downsize with one of our properties. Book your visit to our Monterey Show Home in the heart of Christchurch now?

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Bring that healthier, wealthier dream into reality

01202 012573