Downsizing – Where to Begin?

Downsizing is definitely the buzz word of the moment. So the question is, why do so many people, who are more than ready to retire and would love to free up their assets, feel downsizing isn’t all it’s cracked-up to be? Maybe that’s how you have been feeling and you’re not alone.

The most common reasons for not moving in retirement, and using it as an opportunity to downsize, have been stated in recent industry reports. These include:

  • It’s too expensive
  • There is a lack of suitable properties
  • The cost of moving is too high (stamp duty especially)
  • It’s a very stressful process

You might be feeling like this and we’re here to say that you don’t have to. Platinum Skies has revolutionised the way to retire. We have broken down all of these barriers and through part-ownership, we can provide a new way to find the retirement property you want at a price that’s right for you.

Over the coming months, we will cover each of these areas in more detail and explain how we can help you to try something new. Please get in touch if you want any further information by enquiring online or phone on 01202 471 461.

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